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Liftango to Celebrate Earth Day With Carbon Offsets for All Trips

Liftango will purchase carbon offset credits from Pachama for every trip taken across all of our shared mobility platforms on Friday, April 22nd, 2022.

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For passengers in the Middle East, key benefits include:

  • Reduced wait times through real-time vehicle tracking
  • Increased safety by minimizing evening walk times to bus stops, particularly in less densely populated areas
  • Enhanced convenience through seamless multi-modal commutes without parking hassles, which is crucial in high-density urban centers like Dubai Marina and Downtown Riyadh

To celebrate Earth Day, Liftango has announced that we will be purchasing carbon offsets for every shared vehicle trip enabled by our platforms on Friday, April 22nd.

This initiative is an important step towards realizing Liftango’s mission of creating sustainable and meaningful connections to optimize transport systems and combat climate change.

Liftango’s commitment to building sustainable, equitable transport systems starts with creating improved access to reliable methods of shared transportation to help reduce the world’s dependence on single-occupancy vehicle (SOV) trips. It is more critical than ever to create shared transportation programs that can serve as a viable alternative to SOV trips. Enabling this type of modal shift in how we as a society choose to travel will help alleviate traffic congestion, reduce strain on existing infrastructure, and combat the worst impacts of climate change. In 2019, the Environmental Protection Agency estimated that 29% of greenhouse gas emissions were attributed to transportation, and of those emissions, 58% were caused by light-duty, single occupancy vehicles.

Liftango’s commitment to decisive environmental action goes beyond just offering commuters new methods of shared transportation; we are also supporting initiatives that remove more greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere than are created. This is known as Climate-Positive action, and to help us in this endeavor, Liftango has partnered with leading technology company Pachama to provide carbon offsets for every trip made using our Carpool technology.

Pachama provides a platform that organizations can use to promote the regeneration of forests, which draw down the total amount of CO2 and other greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. Pachama's algorithmic models estimate the total amount of CO2 storage in each reforestation project and convert that number into carbon credits that organizations can purchase to offset their own carbon footprint.

Liftango has been working with Pachama for over a year to offset the carbon emissions from every trip made using our Climate-Positive Carpool solutions. Over time, these types of sustainability-focused initiatives add up to have a major impact on our environment. All told, Liftango’s Carpool, On-Demand Bus, and Fixed Route services have saved 1.6 million vehicle KMs traveled. According to a 2019 study by the UK Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, that figure equates to nearly 7.4 Gigatons of CO2 saved through Liftango’s services.

On April 22nd, Liftango will be extending our Climate-Positive initiatives by offsetting every trip made across our Carpool, On-Demand Bus, and Fixed-Route services worldwide.

This Earth Day, please help Liftango support Climate-Positive transportation by choosing shared mobility options! Together, we can all make a positive impact on the world and create a future that will be brighter for future generations.

To learn more about Earth Day initiatives and get involved in an Earth Day 2022 event near you, please visit

For more information about Climate Positive Carpooling and Liftango's other shared mobility solutions, download our Technology & Sustainable Transport whitepaper

About the Author

JJ O'Brien

JJ O'Brien


A Chief Marketing Officer that doesn't mind geeking out on a good sci-fi series, loves cooking American-style BBQ and enjoys seeing the positive impact of a well-crafted message.