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Global Climate-Positive Carpool Initiative Launched with Pachama

Global Carpooling and On-Demand Transport technology provider Liftango has announced the launch of its newest sustainability initiative to clients.

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For passengers in the Middle East, key benefits include:

  • Reduced wait times through real-time vehicle tracking
  • Increased safety by minimizing evening walk times to bus stops, particularly in less densely populated areas
  • Enhanced convenience through seamless multi-modal commutes without parking hassles, which is crucial in high-density urban centers like Dubai Marina and Downtown Riyadh

Global Carpooling and On-Demand Transport technology provider Liftango has announced the launch of its newest sustainability initiative to clients—Climate-Positive Carpooling. 

Doubling down on sustainability, Liftango has added to their carpool offering. 

Not only are they providing a proven way to reduce the number of vehicles on our roads, every vehicle that participates in carpooling will be Climate-Positive.

Climate-Positive action involves removing more emissions from the atmosphere than are created—therefore having an overall positive impact on the climate.

Liftango has partnered with Pachama to offset the emissions of every trip made by drivers and passengers using their carpool technology. At no extra cost to clients or users, Liftango will offset more carbon than their users create each month. 

“We are delighted to partner with an organisation like Pachama to further reduce the carbon emissions created by transport, a sector known for being one of the largest greenhouse-gas producers globally,” says Liftango CEO Kevin Orr.

“Pachama partners with companies and social enterprises like Microsoft, Shopify, Gitlab and Who Gives a Crap. We felt Pachama's data-driven approach closely aligned with Liftango's aim to create a positive impact through modern technology." 

Through Climate-Positive Carpooling, Liftango carpool users will be able to track how their personal use of the service is helping the environment within the App. Clients will also receive monthly updates on the positive impact their service is creating.

“From one Tech company to another, we are excited for what the relationship will bring with Pachama, while offering a more sustainable and eco-conscious carpooling service to our clients. Until we see more widespread usage of electric vehicles, reducing and offsetting vehicle emissions is the best solution for organisations to lower the carbon footprint of employee transport.

“This is a unique carpooling product on offer that will continue to make a huge impact for eco-conscious corporations.  As society continues to hold corporations accountable for their environmental impact, we’ve seen organisations look to solutions like employee carpooling—with single-occupancy vehicles driving to and from work one of the main culprits in creating workplace CO2 emissions,” explains Mr Orr.

“We’ve witnessed successful employee carpool programs dramatically reduce parking pressure whilst removing harmful emissions. If corporations are looking for an easy way to minimise employees driving to and from the office in their own cars—a carpooling initiative is quick to implement and cost-effective.”

For more information on Climate-Positive Carpooling and how it can substantially reduce workplace carbon emissions, you can learn more here.

About the Author

Ellyse McCallum

Ellyse McCallum


Australian-based digital marketer passionate about making an impactful societal change through every-day life. Ellyse loves spending time in nature, drinking coffee and hanging with family and friends (preferably all at the same time)!