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Liftango Crowned Winners at the Asia Mobility Startup Challenge

Liftango crowned 'Leading Startup' among 118 applications from 14 countries.

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Static and dynamic content editing

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For passengers in the Middle East, key benefits include:

  • Reduced wait times through real-time vehicle tracking
  • Increased safety by minimizing evening walk times to bus stops, particularly in less densely populated areas
  • Enhanced convenience through seamless multi-modal commutes without parking hassles, which is crucial in high-density urban centers like Dubai Marina and Downtown Riyadh

It’s a wrap! Fresh back from a successful trip to Singapore, Liftango was crowned the leading startup among 118 applications from 14 countries.

Competing in the Asia Mobility Startup Challenge CEO and Co-Founder Kevin Orr was among six finalists invited to pitch at Innovfest Unbound held at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore in June.

Startups were asked to answer one of four themes from Mobility Platforms and Services, Connected Services, Shared & Micro Mobility and Other Mobilities. Thanks goes to the participating finalists;

  • Ascent Urban Air Mobility
  • iWantSeats
  • Mobycy
  • Routematic
  • UbiPark

Participants were judged by a panel comprised of mobility experts including Via ID team members.


About On Demand Transport

As an emerging transportation mode, On-Demand Transport (ODT) spans both public and private application. Providing commuters with convenient, flexible transport options, ODT encourages a reduction of single-occupancy vehicle use. Using smartphone technology, the balance of power can now shift back in favour of the passenger, allowing them to schedule a pick where and when they want. Allowing for easy and reliable connection to high-frequency, mass-transit networks, On-Demand transport can extend the public transit coverage and increase utilisation of valuable infrastructure.

About Carpooling

We believe by increasing the number of shared trips an employee takes to work, organisations are able to increase retention, improve parking challenges and minimise the cost of lost productivity caused by traffic congestion. For more information on how shared mobility can support your organisation read our Six Emerging Trends for Transport Infratech.

About Liftango

We believe in unlocking the possibilities of a world without traffic. By creating transport technology that incentivises shared trips, we are creating a compelling experience for commuters, that inspires change and reinvents the way people travel.

About the Author

JJ O'Brien

JJ O'Brien


A Chief Marketing Officer that doesn't mind geeking out on a good sci-fi series, loves cooking American-style BBQ and enjoys seeing the positive impact of a well-crafted message.