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Liftango Successfully Tender Auckland Transport’s AT Local Rideshare Project

Auckland Transport select Liftango in a bid to offer New Zealand residents a new way to get around.

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For passengers in the Middle East, key benefits include:

  • Reduced wait times through real-time vehicle tracking
  • Increased safety by minimizing evening walk times to bus stops, particularly in less densely populated areas
  • Enhanced convenience through seamless multi-modal commutes without parking hassles, which is crucial in high-density urban centers like Dubai Marina and Downtown Riyadh

Auckland Transport (AT) has announced Liftango as a successful tender in the bid to provide technology services for On-Demand rideshare projects across Auckland, New Zealand.

Following a two-year trial of AT Local in Devonport, Auckland, the call was put out to continue the AT Local services as part of a wider procurement process across the AT network. Liftango secured the contract from a competitive panel of On-Demand providers to work with AT on the next two rollouts.

“Liftango is delighted to have secured this bid. This venture with AT will enable Auckland communities to better utilise transport in an innovative and personalised way. We’re excited to work with AT to give the people of Auckland the best On-Demand experience that Public Transport providers can offer, while promoting a more sustainable future,” says Trystan Eeles, Co-Founder and COO of Liftango. 

AT’s vision is to create a climate-conscious and competitive travel option for travellers—improving access and connectivity to amenities, whilst encouraging a mode shift away from single-occupancy vehicle use and encouraging the use of existing Public Transport.

Their first services will launch in Spring 2021—allowing passengers to travel within a designated service zone in South Auckland. The service zone will employ a meeting-point to meeting-point design, with hundreds of points to choose from within the zone.

This means that travellers may only have a short walk to a nearby pick up location and can travel anywhere within the service zone—being dropped off at the closest meeting point. The AT Local service will be accessed through the new AT Local App, or bookings can be made through their Call Centre.

“Partnering with Liftango to offer On-Demand services in Auckland is a fantastic opportunity. For the cost of a traditional bus fare, our customers will have better options not only to get around, but also enhanced access to transport hubs in the way that is fully integrated with other Public Transport services,” says Michael Weyna, AT’s Senior Planner, On-Demand. 

Liftango’s experience in deploying On-Demand services with Public Transport agencies across the globe show that seamless integration with existing Public Transport systems is a crucial requirement. Through AT Local, Liftango will enable integration with the AT travel card payment system, with the AT HOP Card allowing passengers to use AT Local in exactly the same way as other modes, including transfer discounts and flat rate fares. Liftango will also enable an integration with AT Mobile and Journey Planner, enabling passengers to plan multi-modal trips which includes an On-Demand leg, and even clicking through to request the ride from the Journey Planner App. This is an important step on the journey towards providing On-Demand rideshare as a seamless part of a multi-modal transport network, rather than just a standalone service.

The AT Local App will also be configured to prevent cannibalisation of existing fixed-route and rail services within the service areas—ensuring the most efficient allocation of Public Transport resources is assured for Auckland Transport.

Location area and vehicle details of the latest AT Local service zone will be announced to the public in the lead up to the official launch.


About Auckland Transport

Auckland Transport (AT) is a Council Controlled Organisation (CCO) of Auckland Council. It was established in 2010 to contribute to an efficient, effective and safe Auckland land transport system.

AT manages and runs the region’s transport network (excluding state highways) on behalf of Auckland ratepayers and taxpayers for the benefit of 1.7m residents. This includes maintaining, 7,580km of arterial and local roads, 334km of cycleways and 7,364km of footpaths, and numerous public transport and parking facilities, including two airfields in the Gulf Islands.

AT designs, builds, manages and promotes most of Auckland’s public transport infrastructure. This includes services, systems, facilities, customer apps and the region’s integrated passenger transport ticketing system, AT HOP.

AT’s day-to-day activities keep Auckland’s transport systems moving. They plan and fund public transport, promote travel choices and operate the local roading network. They partner with KiwiRail, Transdev and contracted bus and ferry companies to deliver rail, bus and ferry services.

AT also deliver local board and Auckland Council projects and programmes, and work collaboratively with other CCOs as part of the Council group to deliver integrated solutions across Auckland.

About Liftango

We help cities, communities and organisations reduce congestion and combat climate change by providing equitable access to shared transport through a carpool and On-Demand transport technology platform. This technology makes best use of vehicle capacity whilst giving passengers the freedom to travel the way they want to.

Together, we help:

- Cities evolve into Smart Cities

- Transit Agencies to create better public bus systems

- Private Bus Operators to digitise their services to become more efficient

- Corporates to create sustainable and scalable mobility solutions for their staff

- Property Developers to design sites around future mobility solutions instead of using space for parking

We believe access to transportation is a fundamental right for people in modern society and through our technology, we provide convenient, efficient and sustainable transportation for the people that need it the most.

Media Contact: JJ O'Brien |

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