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Liftango Reaches for Michigan Central Station

Learn about our City:One Ford Innovation submission.

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For passengers in the Middle East, key benefits include:

  • Reduced wait times through real-time vehicle tracking
  • Increased safety by minimizing evening walk times to bus stops, particularly in less densely populated areas
  • Enhanced convenience through seamless multi-modal commutes without parking hassles, which is crucial in high-density urban centers like Dubai Marina and Downtown Riyadh


Down from over 80 submissions, to 12—Liftango is ready to bring their solution to Michigan. The well known City:One Challenge along with Ford is bringing in $7,400,000 to the restoration of Michigan Central Station, and Liftango, are putting their best foot forward in conjunction with RideWithShare (a corporate shuttle business), to assist the city with providing a new mobility solution.  

The community of Michigan Central Station Impact Area is about to experience a significant change, this will present huge opportunities but also challenges that must be addressed.

The development of the precinct will bring a large workforce to the region and create a very diverse set of mobility challenges. Employers and their employees require a range of affordable and convenient mobility options to help them have a comfortable commute. For local residents, equitable and effective connection to transport is needed to access basic services such as healthcare, shopping and general community participation. Safety and access concerns are also amplified at certain times of the day, and in particular seasons of the year.

To address these community pressures, Liftango has proposed the creation of a mobility benefits corporation that will connect employers and the community in a mutually beneficial commercial model. This Co-op will be powered by an innovative technology platform that will enable them to offer the latest mobility solutions to their members.

Liftango would like to see this outcome empower the community, create sustainable economic growth by the use of a multi-platform technology to facilitate all modes of transport.

Liftango is excited to see this proposal actioned within the Michigan Area.

Liftango iphone

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