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August 7, 2020

Go-Ahead to launch ‘JustGo’ across North Lincolnshire

Go-Ahead bus company East Yorkshire has won a contract from North Lincolnshire Council to provide demand-responsive buses in the region.

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  • Go-Ahead bus company East Yorkshire is launching a demand-responsive bus service in North Lincolnshire next month
  • The scheme, called ‘JustGo North Lincs’ is funded by North Lincolnshire Council, providing a sustainable financial model for demand-responsive transport
  • Passengers in the region can book a bus on demand through a few taps of an app

Go-Ahead bus company East Yorkshire has won a contract from North Lincolnshire Council to provide demand-responsive buses in the region.

From next month, East Yorkshire will operate the new ‘JustGo’ on-demand services across North Lincolnshire, aimed at connecting communities, providing access to jobs and growing the local economy. The service uses the latest customer technology, enabling passengers to hail a ride through a smartphone with the ‘JustGo’ app, was developed in conjunction with tech company Liftango.

With just a tap on the app or a phone call, passengers can request their journey and choose where they get picked up (using local meeting points). The on-demand service enables journeys to families, friends or vital services, and provides a solution for accessing workplaces such as Scunthorpe and Humberside airport, at times to suit shift patterns and staggered working hours.

Demand-responsive buses provide a flexible solution for passenger journeys, helping people leave their cars at home and choose an environmentally friendly option.

This is the third time Go-Ahead has ventured into demand-responsive transport. It follows from a one-year trial in Sutton in conjunction with Transport for London, and a two-year trial in Oxford of the PickMeUp service.

PickMeUp was the most successful scheme of its type in the UK, proving a high level of demand for ride-sharing service, but lacked additional funding support to make it commercially viable.    As JustGo is contracted by North Lincolnshire Council, East Yorkshire can focus on providing a high-quality transport service and building a customer base without revenue risk.  

The fleet of minibuses will follow all social distancing regulations and provide hand sanitiser on board, so passengers feel safe and secure. There will be WiFi and charging points available on every bus.

David Brown, Go-Ahead Group CEO said: “It is a great opportunity for us to operate North Lincolnshire Council’s new on-demand bus network. We will be using all the lessons we learned in Oxford and London to build a technology-driven service that will provide convenient journeys and connect communities.”

Kevin Orr, CEO, Liftango said: “We are pleased to partner with East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire Council to ensure that rural based residents have a convenient & affordable transportation option and can move around the County in a safe, reliable manner at times most convenient to their personal schedules.
“It’s great to work with organisations like East Yorkshire that are continually improving the services they offer.  Demand-responsive transport is such a fundamental part of creating a sustainable transportation network for rural areas.  Our technology is enabling coverage and experiences not previously provided with traditional fixed-route transit services.”



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