Launching at Deakin University today, Liftango's carpooling solution will be used across three Campuses, ranging from East Melbourne to Geelong.
This now adds to the 400,000 students who have access to the latest carpooling technology.
Integrating with Smarter City Solutions, the carpooling program at Deakin incentivises sustainable travel with discounted parking for drivers. By implementing the program, Deakin aims to remove the challenges faced by overcrowded parking lots and provide better commute options for staff and students.
Sustainability plays a big part in Liftango’s values. By incentivising more shared trips, we help organisations take vehicles off the road and reduce their CO2 emissions emitted by vehicles. Working with Deakin University to help reduce congestion and help the environment, it was an easy choice.
According to Deakin’s Live The Future Agenda 2020 "Deakin is focussed on embedding sustainability in all aspects of its organisation, reducing environmental impact, maintaining its financial viability and promoting the social aspects of sustainability"
Providing The Right Incentives
Students and staff are both able to use the Liftango. Deakin university decided to incentivise students with access to premium car parking spaces and an initial discount on parking for early adopters. Additionally, Liftango provides a series of digital rewards to ingrain long-term sustainable behaviour.
How Does it Work?
By validating users through an approved email domain, students and staff can access an exclusive and trusted carpool network. Further validation of occupancy and a smart parking integration enables parking discounts for students and staff.