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Corporate Transport
October 9, 2024

Beyond the Commute: Why Companies Should Invest in Employee Transportation

Read how organizations can leverage employer-sponsored employee transport to enhance employee experience, reduce costs, and gain a competitive edge.

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At the recent UMP Summit 2024, Liftango had the pleasure of presenting alongside Dr. Carole Couper from the University of Birmingham. Our session explored the crucial topic of corporate travel and why companies should take a more active role in providing transportation options for their employees. We discussed the increasing demand for clean, safe, and multi-modal transportation and highlighted the benefits of collaboration and funding from businesses to improve the overall transportation system.

A key takeaway from our talk, and indeed the conference as a whole, was the need for a more holistic and sustainable approach to employee commutes, especially considering the shortcomings of existing public transportation options.

At Liftango, we firmly believe that simply getting employees to work isn't enough. Companies need a strategic approach to transportation that considers factors like sustainability, efficiency, employee satisfaction, and overall business impact.

The Public Transportation Challenge (As Highlighted in the Liftango Talk at UMP)

Public transportation systems are the most important and valuable part of the transport system, however budget cuts and driver shortages are resulting in services that often fail to meet the needs of modern workforces. This challenge was a recurring theme in our presentation. Inconvenient locations, limited routes, infrequent service, and inadequate infrastructure can make relying on public transport unreliable and challenging for employees.

Consider this: a 4-mile commute with a first arrival time of 10:30 AM? This example, shared by one of our clients, illustrates how public transportation can fail employees and employers, leading to decreased productivity, increased stress, and tardiness, ultimately affecting a company's performance.

The Business Case for Company-Funded Transportation

Investing in company-funded transportation solutions, such as shuttle services, vanpools, and carpooling programs, can provide compelling benefits. At UMP, we had numerous conversations with businesses eager to explore these options:

  • Improved Employee Productivity: Reliable transportation ensures employees arrive on time and ready to work, maximizing productivity and minimizing disruptions.
  • Reduced Costs: Company-funded transportation can lead to significant savings on parking, employee absenteeism, and even reduce the need for expensive office space in prime locations.
  • Improved Employee Morale: Providing transportation demonstrates a commitment to employee well-being and can boost morale and job satisfaction.
  • Enhanced Employer Branding: Offering convenient and sustainable commute options can be a powerful tool for attracting and retaining top talent in a competitive job market.
  • Reduced Environmental Impact: Sustainable transportation solutions, such as carpooling and electric shuttles, can significantly reduce a company's carbon footprint and contribute to environmental goals.

Key Considerations for Building a Successful Employee Transportation Program

Based on the insights shared during our presentation at UMP, here are some key considerations for companies looking to implement or improve their employee transportation programs:

  1. Understand Employee Needs: Go beyond simply asking employees how they get to work. Conduct detailed surveys to understand their commuting habits, preferences, and pain points. Gather data on preferred modes of transportation, desired arrival and departure times, and any obstacles they face during their commute. This information will be crucial in tailoring solutions to your workforce's specific needs.

  2. Analyze Commuting Patterns: Utilize technology, such as optimization tools like Liftango Labs, to identify gaps in existing transit services and areas where public transportation is inadequate. Map out employee addresses to visualize commute clusters and identify potential routes for shuttle services or carpool pickup points. This analysis will highlight opportunities to enhance existing transportation options or implement new ones.

  3. Define Clear Objectives: Determine the specific, measurable goals of your employee transportation program. Are you primarily aiming to reduce carbon emissions by a certain percentage? Do you want to increase employee satisfaction with commuting by a specific margin? Or is your main objective to optimize costs and reduce expenses related to employee transportation? Having clear objectives will guide your decision-making and allow you to track progress effectively.

  4. Explore Different Solutions: Consider a variety of options, such as shuttle services, vanpools, carpooling programs, and on-demand transportation. Evaluate the pros and cons of each solution in the context of your workforce's needs and your company's objectives. For instance, shuttle services might be ideal for large companies with employees clustered in specific locations, while carpooling programs could be more suitable for smaller organizations with employees scattered across a wider area.

  5. Embrace Technology: Leverage technology to optimize routes, track vehicles, communicate with passengers, and measure program effectiveness. Explore options like route optimization software to plan efficient routes for shuttle services, real-time tracking apps to provide employees with up-to-date information on vehicle locations, and communication platforms to keep employees informed about schedules and any disruptions. Technology can play a crucial role in streamlining operations, enhancing the employee experience, and tracking progress towards your goals.

  6. Foster Collaboration: Partner with other organizations, government agencies, and transportation providers to create a more comprehensive and sustainable transportation ecosystem. Explore opportunities to collaborate with local businesses, government agencies, and public transportation providers to expand your reach and impact. For example, you could partner with nearby companies to offer joint shuttle services or work with public transit agencies to improve connections to your workplace. Collaboration can lead to more effective and sustainable solutions. MyJourney in the South of England is a great example of this type of collaboration in action.

Liftango in Action: Real-World Success

At Liftango, we're passionate about helping companies optimize their employee transportation. Our platform provides smart, sustainable solutions tailored to each organization's unique needs. 

Here are a few examples of how we've helped businesses achieve their transportation goals:

  • Corporate Headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon: Liftango's shared mobility technology delivers integrated fixed-route shuttles and on-demand taxi service for a large corporate campus, all from a single app. (Source: Optimizing commuting with on demand and fixed route)

The Importance of Data-Driven Decision Making

To effectively address employee transportation challenges, companies need to adopt a data-driven approach. This involves:

  • Identifying the Problem Space: Analyzing commuting patterns and transit gaps helps to pinpoint specific transportation challenges that need to be addressed. For example, data analysis might reveal that a significant portion of your workforce faces excessively long commute times or relies on infrequent public transportation options.

  • Defining Solutions: Based on data collected about employee needs and commuting patterns, companies can design and implement targeted transportation solutions that meet the unique needs of their workforce. If data shows that many employees live near each other and have similar work schedules, a carpooling program could be an effective solution. On the other hand, if employees are spread out across a large area, a shuttle service with optimized routes might be more appropriate.

  • Measuring Impact: Tracking key metrics, such as carbon savings, vehicle utilization, and employee satisfaction, allows companies to measure the effectiveness of their transportation programs and make data-driven adjustments. By monitoring these metrics, companies can identify areas for improvement, optimize resource allocation, and ensure their transportation programs are meeting their objectives.

The Role of Technology

Technology plays a vital role in enabling smart, sustainable, and efficient employee transportation solutions. Liftango's platform offers a range of features that can help companies:

  • Optimize Shuttle Services: Our technology enables efficient routing, real-time tracking, and passenger communication, making shuttle services more convenient and reliable.
  • Facilitate Carpooling: Our platform connects employees for carpooling, simplifying the matching process and providing incentives to encourage participation.
  • Implement On-Demand Transportation: Our on-demand solutions provide flexible transportation options that cater to the needs of a dynamic workforce.
  • Measure and Report on Impact: Our platform provides data-driven insights into the environmental and operational impact of transportation programs, enabling companies to track progress and make informed decisions.

Looking Ahead (Inspired by UMP)

The future of employee transportation is collaborative, sustainable, and technology-driven. UMP reinforced the importance of these factors, and we're excited to be at the forefront of this movement. By working together and embracing innovative solutions, we can create a world where transportation is seamless, efficient, and beneficial for both employers and employees.

Learn more about how Liftango can help your company improve its employee transportation system:

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