If you’re already aware of the benefits of providing an employee transport solution and want to now look at ways of designing a setup that works for your organisation’s unique requirements, you’re in good hands, as Liftango has helped design and launch some of the world’s largest commute solutions.
The scale and scope of corporate transport solutions can vary widely - compare a large scale forestry outfit with a downtown services business, for example - so it is important to hone in on exactly what the context is. The way to approach each context is to start from a common base and apply a framework to the particular situation.
Through multiple engagements and in concert with different stakeholders in this space, we have distilled the common components required when building an employee transport solution:
1. Organisational goals
The initial step is to understand the goals of the organisation, which may be many and varied including ESG compliance, self-directed good sustainability practice, accessing and maintaining a broader employee pool, safety, innovation.
2. Understanding current practice
Collecting data on current commuting and travel practice is useful in understanding improvement opportunities and establishing a baseline. Using surveys coupled with data analysis such as with the Commutifi platform allows an organisation granular access to existing habits and patterns.
3. Identifying the problem space
Corporate travel programs often involve significant behaviour change, so understanding the problems staff face is key. Analysis of commuting surveys, TransitScan gap identification and Commutifi data analysis can build together a granular image of the problem that a corporate transport program needs to solve - in the explicit context of the employer and its locations.
4. Solution providers
There are many possible transport interventions, with new technologies and techniques coming into play regularly. The solution will often involve a mix of public transit, private vehicle usage, micromobility, active transport, asset reallocation, infrastructure provision, commuter benefits packages, workplace access changes, working behaviour changes and many more. While this can be daunting, the appropriate selection and implementation of these options can be quite powerful.
5. Solution definition
Drawing on the analysis of need and the available pool of solutions, a well built solution will position the most appropriate options in the most suitable areas. For example, understanding transit desert locations specific to accessing a work site can guide the implementation of a carpool solution. Likewise understanding site proximity, climatic conditions and infrastructure provision can guide the implementation of active and micromobility solutions.
6. User uptake
In a perfect world a well designed solution would have rapid user uptake, however the behaviour change aspect of a program cannot be understated. If a well designed solution is not visible, nor well publicised then it will not be used. The most successful programs are well designed but also have backing from the organisation and visible promotional activities. Incentives and benefits are often used as enticements for people to change their behaviour and adopt the new programs.
7. Impact measurement
Employers and employees alike will want to know the success of the program that has been implemented. Particularly where there is a regulatory pressure such as ESG requirements, data capture and reporting is critical. Therefore implementing systems which have in-built data capture possibilities are preferred, and capturing the baseline before implementation is imperative.
8. Plan, design and measure
Regardless of the immediate focuses, corporate transport solutions can always be brought back to impact. The goals of the employee transport program will dictate what kind of impact is being sought - sustainability impacts, safety improvements, employee retention. And based on the goals, the critical piece of the puzzle is how to quantify that impact. Using a consistent, collaborative data-driven process will make it simpler to quantify the impact. Managed transport solutions such as demand-responsive shuttles or carpool programs are rich in data, providing information on when, where, who and how the services are being used. This data can be used to inform ongoing improvements of the program - in line with the program goals - and to measure and report on impact.