Simulate real-world outcomes and cover multiple scenarios to de-risk your return to work strategy. Anonymised data on passengers (i.e workplace, risk profiles) is collected. This results in the most appropriate transport solution to ensure COVID-19 safe commuting, vehicle routings, service metrics and the costs associated.
The Liftango Transit Tracking platform can offer this ability to Public Transport Operators as a simple, low-cost and quick-to-deploy option in order to track real-time occupancy and display occupancy rates of buses and prospective passengers.
Liftango Carpooling platform with inbuilt contact tracing provides a transport option for employees to share commutes to/from work. This enables those without their own cars to still get to/from work in a climate-positive manner, by sharing with those who must drive.
This enables organisations to very efficiently transport employees to/from work in a fleet of dynamically-routed shuttle buses, minimising the risk of infection compared to alternative modes of transportation.